Web Development Company

Choose A Web Development Company For Your WordPress Website Maintenance

Web Development Company : Do you have a WordPress website? If yes, then you definitely need to maintain it regularly. But if you don’t have time or resources to maintain your website in-house, you can also consider hiring a website development company who can take care of your WordPress website.

It’s true that hiring a web development company to maintain your WordPress site can make a big hole in your pockets especially if you are run a small business.

But here’s good news for you!

You can hire Indian web development company who can efficiently & cost-effectively maintain your WordPress website.

Why you should hire Indian Web Development Company?

  • You get an affordable price to build or maintain your website.
  • You get excellent support.
  • Most of the Indian developers are good at communication.

But as we all know not all fingers are the same. Similarly, not all Indian website design companies or developers are the same.

So how should you find the right WordPress developer for your website maintenance?

Well, in this blog post, we have shared 7 tips for you to choose the right web development company for your web maintenance.


The first thing that you must look out for in your website development company is their experience. 

How much experience do they have? 

For how long have they been working on WordPress?

The more experienced, the better. 

Why experience matters for WordPress website maintenance?

  • Experienced developers know how to secure a WordPress website. 
  • Experienced developers can fix any kind of bug that may arise abruptly. 
  • Experienced developers would always ensure to backup your website regularly. 
  • Experienced WordPress developers would always make sure that your website plugins/themes are always updated.


How good are your developers at communication? 

Are they able to understand your requirements when you explain them?

It’s important to check the communication skills of your developer before you hire them.

Perhaps, it would be a good idea for you to arrange a call with them to make sure that they understand what you need.

If you choose to hire an overseas web developer whom you can’t meet or call locally, you can communicate with them over Skype or WhatsApp.


Before you hire any website developer to maintain your WordPress website, you must make sure to check their previous works as well. 

You can also ask them to share some of the WordPress websites that they maintain on the regular basis.

Once you are satisfied with the portfolio of your shortlisted web development company, it would be easier for you to hire them confidently. 


Before you award your WordPress maintenance project to any website developer, you must ensure to sign a formal contract with them. 

A formal contract between you and your developer would always ensure that the interest of both the parties is being met. 

What are the essential elements that your web maintenance contract must have:

  • Scope of work that will be included in the website maintenance 
  • Number of man-hours to be put every month
  • Obligations of both the parties
  • Termination clause
  • Non-disclosure
  • Other restrictions
  • Payment terms
  • Warranties

When there is a formal web maintenance contract in place, it reduces the chances of any possible disputes or misunderstandings on both sides.


One of the essential things that you must check with your WordPress developer before signing a web maintenance contract is their turnaround time. 

You may expect your developer to fix or update any task on your WordPress website sooner but they may have a different turnaround time to complete your request. This mismatching of expectations can also result in disputes.

To avoid this kind of situation, it’s always good to know their turnaround time and most importantly mention it in your contract. 

Your website builder must agree on turnaround time for:

  • High severity cases
  • Mild severity cases
  • Low severity cases


How should you know whether a web designer or developer is ideal for your WordPress site maintenance or not? 

Of course, if you ask your developers, they will always tell you that they are the best or at least better than the rest. 

Well, the only way to know about the quality of work & support of your shortlisted WordPress developer is to hear from their past clients

What their previous or existing customers have to say about your developers. That’s more important!

Getting the clients’ references from your shortlisted developers would enable you to contact their previous customers who can provide you with their first-hand experience of working with these developers. 


Even before you start asking for the WordPress maintenance quotations from different website builders, you need to know what exactly you want or expect from your developer.

You need to ask yourself some of the important questions like below:

How often would you like your developer to make changes to your website?

What kind of changes or updates would you need?

Do you expect your developer to make only content-related changes or you have several new features to be added over the next few months?

If you don’t know yourself what you expect your developer to do for you, you may end up getting into wrong associations.

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